Monday, April 18, 2016

next steps

continuing the story from Friday's post:
so after Wes unhesitatingly agreed that Cameron should be homeschooled starting right away in kindergarten, the next step was to enroll him in Leila's new school (I'm not sure what the official homeschooly word for this is, but I call it our umbrella school because we are under their umbrella of legal protection and also their umbrella of support and community). I wasn't sure if it would be possible as the enrollment time had technically ended - I made the phone call to try and add him on the paperwork deadline - but I was met with such enthusiasm and joy from the enrollment coordinator. She was thrilled to welcome our ENTIRE family to the school and mentioned that they had been hoping for this outcome since our initial face-to-face interview back in March. Praise the Lord!

A couple of months ago, some relatives from the midwest come to stay with us. The timing coincided with the decision-making process of our first initial, tentative, toe-dipping into the homeschool world. I voiced my concerns and wishy-washy attitude to this second-or-third cousin and she advised me, ever so wisely and matter-of-factly, to just make a decision one way or the other and see what happens. At the time, we made the decision to go for it with Leila and not with Cameron, but the best choice was made so obvious once we moved forward. I have had repeated confirmations (both internally in my spirit and externally through circumstances and conversations) that this is the right choice for our family and having now acted on the Spirit's leading to bring Cameron home as well, I have such a peace about all this that I didn't know was possible and wouldn't have believed was possible. All that has transpired can only be from the Lord and I am just in awe.

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